MC900438721[1]Mom’s Custard



½ gallon milk
6 eggs
1½ - 2 cups sugar
3-4 TBSP cornstarch

½ cup water
dash vanilla
½ pint whipping cream or half & half


Dissolve the cornstarch in water and mix until smooth.  Beat eggs together with sugar. Put milk in large pan and heat almost to boiling. Add egg and sugar mixture, stirring constantly. When mixture is hot (but not boiling), lower temperature and gradually add the cornstarch mixture, stirring constantly. When mixture reaches the desired thickness remove from heat and add a dash of vanilla flavoring. Strain into large glass jar or container (plastic will melt). Cool. (Mom's original instructions said "Put out in snow to cool.")

When completely cooled, add the whipped cream.  Other flavorings (i.e., bourbon, brandy, nutmeg) are optional.