
Tofu Scramble

1 pkg firm tofu
2 Tbsp oil

1 Tsp onion powder

1 Tbsp Dijon mustard

1/2 Tsp tumeric
1/2 Tsp salt

Freshly ground white pepper

1 Tbsp soy creamer

Heat oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat.  Drain water off the tofu and crumble into the pan.  Cook for 3-4 minutes until tofu begins releasing its water.  Add the rest of the ingredients except the creamer and mix well.  Cook for about 10 minutes stirring regularly, lowering the heat if the tofu begins to stick.  The idea here is to let the water evaporate and the tofu firm up.  You want to keep the heat high enough to facilitate this evaporation. Add creamer and mix well.  Allow some of the liquid to evaporate then remove from heat and serve.